Ruby Articles - Libraries

Ruby Libraries

One of Ruby’s greatest strengths lies in its extensive library ecosystem, which provides ready-to-use tools for various tasks. These libraries fall into three main categories: Core Library, Standard Library, and RubyGems.

1. Ruby Core Library

The Core Library includes fundamental features that are built into Ruby. You don’t need to install or require them—they are always accessible.

Some examples:

  • Strings and Arrays: upcase, sum, reverse
  • Enumerables: map, select, reduce

Example using upcase for strings

name = "Ruby"
puts name.upcase # Outputs "RUBY"

2. Ruby Standard Library

The Standard Library is also included with Ruby, and it extends the language with additional functionality. The main difference is that you need to explicitly require these tools before using them.

Some examples:

  • date – Work with dates
  • digest – Encrypt data
  • json – Handle JSON data
  • net/http – Make web requests

Example using json to handle data

require 'json'
data = { name: 'Alice', age: 25 }
JSON.generate(data) # Convert hash to JSON

Note that this library is automatically loaded in the Ruby console (irb), so you don’t need to do the require.

3. RubyGems

RubyGems is a repository that provides thousands of additional libraries (gems) for specialized tasks. These gems must be installed and required before use.

Some examples:

  • nokogiri – HTML/XML parsing
  • sinatra – Lightweight web framework
  • rails – Full-featured web development framework

Example using sinatra to build a minimal web app

First install the gem:

Terminal window
gem install sintra

Then you can require and use it:

require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
'Hello world!'


Ruby offers three types of libraries, each serving a distinct purpose:

  • Core Library: Provides built-in, essential features for handling data structures and fundamental operations.
  • Standard Library: Expands functionality with additional modules for tasks like date manipulation, encryption, and network communication.
  • RubyGems: A vast collection of external libraries (gems), usually for more complex needs, like a complete authentication system for a website.